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Treecelet - we plant trees

Tuli d.o.o. has decided to participate in the Treecelet tree planting project. Treecelet, by planting trees in endangered areas around the world, contributes to the preservation of our planet as we know it, even for our descendants. We approached collaboration because we believe that the only way to do business is in a sustainable manner.

As a result, we purchased 1,000 trees in the first half of 2021. We planted one tree for every online order we received during that period. We have returned something small to our planet with this, and we also invite all of our customers and other businesses to support the Treecelet project. We also offer the option of purchasing a tree at the checkout in our online store.

The following link will take you to a counter of planted Tuli trees and their environmental impact:


Why you should buy and plant a tree:

- Help save the planet. Trees bind carbon dioxide, making them the most effective natural climate change solution.

- Create a better future for the younger generations. Trees keep the soil moist, allowing for the growth of nutritious food.

- Create fair business opportunities for all. Planting trees and making bracelets is fairly compensated.


More information about the Treecelet project can be found at
